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'The manner in which I express my impressions is influenced by the poems of Prévert, Brel, Breton (especially his book Nadja), the work of Burra and Germain expressionists, fashion magazines and the music of today.

All these elements are put together with a sort of impulsive freedom and improvisation which I feel helps to bring the images to their natural conclusions' 

Frédéric Pierre



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After leaving the Ecole des Beaux Arts, Frédéric start to work with the Paraphanelia street Theatre, a group of performing artists travelling all over Europe. His work involved the designing and painting of the decors. During this same period, from 1972 to 1975, he also was asked to design the images for the light show of a French rock band called Maison Rouge.


During one of the journeys in 1975 Frédéric decided to stay in England to further develop his artistic skills. He decide to study Original Etching Techniques and Art Serigraphy at the Fine Art Department of  Reading University. Frédéric Pierre also studied under Christine Wilkinson at the Chelsea Art School. 

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la chanson du merle me va droit au Coeur

Frédéric Pierre was born on the 14th of May 1951 in Marseille, France. He was the youngest in a family of four boys. He and his family grew up in the small town of Lambesc, in the heart of Provence. Being raised near the cultural capital of Provence, Aix-en-Provence, Frederic became acquainted with art at a young age.


Frédéric was admitted to the "Ecole des Beaux Arts" in Aix-en-Provence. During his study, from 1967 to 1972, he was privileged have amongst his tutors Jean Claude Imbert and Vincent Bioules. 

Soon after Frédéric had finished his study at Reading University, he was asked to become a teacher there. Here, in the 1980s, he lectured original Etching Techniques and Art Serigraphy. A few years later Frédéric became a member of the printmakers Council of Great Britain.

In de second half of the 1980s Frédéric gave up teaching to fully concentrate on his artistic career. He participated in a number of group exhibitions. Solo exhibitions of his art were successfully organised by Art Galleries in England and soon galleries in other European countries followed.

Art by Frédéric is represented in museums in Reading and Norwich in England and in the Malmo Museum in Sweden.

In 1996 Frédéric spent some time in Italy, when he was approached by professor Marco Marchi, an Italian historian. Mr. Marchi was writing a book about the poetry of film director Pier Paol0 Pasolini. Frédéric

was commissioned to make etching plates for the illustrations in this book.

Around the millennium Frédéric moved back to Provence. Nowadays he works and lives in a small town in Provence, at the foot of the Mont Ventoux.

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about the French Artist "Frédéric Pierre"



All art by Frédéric Pierre is characterised by his own specific style. Another special feature is the poetic titles, handwritten underneath most of his work. These titles reflect his passion for poetry. The titles given by Frédéric to most of his art allow the viewer to share the artist's thoughts. They are of great meaning for the audience in the interpretation of the paintings and etchings.

Although the oil paintings differ significantly from his etchings, in colour as well as in depiction, his art always bares the unique Frédéric Pierre stamp. The oil paintings are powerful and of flamboyant nature, with a wide range of bright and contrasting colours. 

In his etchings, as in the oils on canvasthe

relationship between people is the recurring theme. Predominatly soft colours and natural shades on a neutral background are used, thus resulting in art which is most delicate in colour. Whereas the paintings are of strong and exciting nature, the etchings, though not less exciting, are refined style and great elegance.

The focus in his work is mainly on portraying people, with the female playing a prominent role. Often a variety of characters is shown. Each character playing it's own role on the canvas. Frédéric art is about relations between people and the emotions involved. It's about male and female interaction.

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Sensuality, seduction and sexual magnetism areevidently represented in many of his paintings. Love attraction, desire and jealousy are  recurring themes. All these elements are, with

impulsive freedom and creativity, brought together in his paintings.

Frédéric paintings are deceptive, showing outspoken individuals, but illustrating many hidden images at the same time; figures hiding behind one another; lovers from the past and future lovers yet to come;

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Si je dis je t'aime que diras-tu quand je partirai




Any form of etching consists of making a print from an image that has been engraved into a metal plate. In the 17th century artists as Rembrandt applied allready the traditional way of etching. They cover the metal plate with a layer of wax and scratches with a pointed needle the drawing they wishes to make. Different tools or needles can be used as to vary the width of the groove. 

The metaal plate, usually made of zinc or copper, is then dipped in a bath of acid. This acid is called the mordant, which is the French word for  biting. The acid indeed bites into the metal, dissolving it where it is not proved by the wax. After some time the acid is washed off and the wax removed, which leaves a plate with lines sunken into it.

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The plate can the be covered in ink, or sometimes paint. After all excess ink is wiped off. Only the ink in the grooves is left. Hereafter the plate is covered with a sheet of paper. Using high-pressure press, the plate is pressed together with the sheet of paper which picks up the ink only form the etched lines, thus creating a mirror image of what the artist scratched into the plate. In this traditional etching technique just one colour of ink was used, therefore producing monochrome etchings.

A more modern way of etching, is the so called dry point technique. With the dry point technique the use of wax and acid is avoided. The lines of the image are directly engraved into the etching plate. The dry point technique enables a more direct way of engraving, however it is also a more difficult technique, as it is les controlled.

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Frédéric love to make sketches first untill one or two are sketches are to his idea. Then he copy this idea onto a mental plate. To be even more direct and to keep a certain spontaneity in the lines Fréric like using the dry point etching technique. This way of working is less controlled than engraving a metal plate with acid. The drawing he engrave onto the plate is like sketch. The result can be very spontaneous.

He then make a first test print. From that print he carry on, adding new lines until a second stage is reached. He make a second print. Thus 

he carry on through several stages of engraving and etching until He felt the image that was within him all along, has come on paper.

Most etching made by other artist are monochrome, using just one colour of ink. Frédéric Pierre likes mixing various colours and etching techniques on a single plate. They consist not only of delicate lines but they often also contain larger coloured surfaces. This proces is very complex and time consuming. It's requires the artist to be, beside creative, also highly skilled. 


I do love the end result. This spontaneous outcome which is so very different from that of a pencil or brush.

Although it physically is a very difficult way of producing a work of art, 

it is quite gratifying to see the image step by step appearing on paper, 

especially when the subject matter is as beautiful as mine.

Frédéric Pierre




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Welcome to Fréderic's online gallery. 

A treasure trove of drawings, sketches,

paintings and etchings.

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